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Double Down Stud加倍賭注梭哈


「Double Down Stud加倍賭注梭哈」的獨特之處是它在賭桌和機台遊戲 的玩法差不多是相同的。這樣也衍⽣出⼀個問題, 就是它的⽀付賠率表是 「to one⽐⼀」(賭桌遊戲)或是「for one賠⼀」(電⼦機台)為不同的基 準。所以我決定對兩者都進⾏分析。如同往常, 贏注或輸注是對⽐於原初 的賭注。




Double Down Stud加倍賭注梭哈 - Jacks或更好對⼦

牌⾯ 加倍 ⽀付(⽐⼀ ⽀付(賠⼀) 排列組合總數 機率 回報率
同花⼤順 3999 4000 0 0 0
同花順 199 200 0 0 0
四條 49 50 0 0 0
葫蘆 11 12 0 0 0
同花 8 9 0 0 0
順⼦ 5 6 31248 0.002405 0.012023
三條 3 4 50688 0.003901 0.011702
兩對 2 3 152064 0.011702 0.023404
對⼦: J-A 1 2 657720 0.050614 0.050614
對⼦: 6-10 0 1 816480 0.062831 0
輸家 -1 0 8035992 0.618401 -0.618401
同花⼤順 7998 7999 20 0.000002 0.01231
同花順 398 399 180 0.000014 0.005513
四條 98 99 3120 0.00024 0.023529
葫蘆 22 23 18720 0.001441 0.031693
同花 16 17 25540 0.001965 0.031446
順⼦ 10 11 19752 0.00152 0.0152
三條 6 7 223872 0.017228 0.103367
兩對 4 5 465696 0.035837 0.143348
對⼦: J-A 2 3 1031880 0.079407 0.158814
對⼦: 6-10 0 1 1295520 0.099695 0
輸家 -2 -1 166308 0.012798 -0.025596
總計       12994800 1 -0.021033



Double Down Stud - Jacks or Better

Hand Double Pays (to one) Pays (for one) Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 999 1000 0 0 0
Straight flush 199 200 0 0 0
Four of a kind 49 50 0 0 0
Full house 11 12 0 0 0
Flush 8 9 0 0 0
Straight 5 6 31248 0.002405 0.012023
Three of a kind 3 4 50688 0.003901 0.011702
Two pair 2 3 152064 0.011702 0.023404
Pair: J-A 1 2 657720 0.050614 0.050614
Pair: 6-10 0 1 816480 0.062831 0
Loser -1 0 8035992 0.618401 -0.618401
Royal flush 1998 1999 20 0.000002 0.003075
Straight flush 398 399 180 0.000014 0.005513
Four of a kind 98 99 3120 0.00024 0.023529
Full house 22 23 18720 0.001441 0.031693
Flush 16 17 25540 0.001965 0.031446
Straight 10 11 19752 0.00152 0.0152
Three of a kind 6 7 223872 0.017228 0.103367
Two pair 4 5 465696 0.035837 0.143348
Pair: J-A 2 3 1031880 0.079407 0.158814
Pair: 6-10 0 1 1295520 0.099695 0
Loser -2 -1 166308 0.012798 -0.025596
Total       12994800 1 -0.030267



Double Down Stud - Jacks or Better

Hand Double Pays (to one) Pays (for one) Combinations Probability Return
Royal flush 999 1000 0 0 0
Straight flush 399 400 0 0 0
Four of a kind 99 100 0 0 0
Full house 14 15 0 0 0
Flush 9 10 0 0 0
Straight 5 6 31248 0.002405 0.012023
Three of a kind 3 4 63360 0.004876 0.014627
Two pair 2 3 190080 0.014627 0.029255
Pair: J-A 1 2 657720 0.050614 0.050614
Pair: 7-10 0 1 653184 0.050265 0
Loser -1 0 8452728 0.65047 -0.65047
Royal flush 1998 1999 20 0.000002 0.003075
Straight flush 798 799 180 0.000014 0.011054
Four of a kind 198 199 3120 0.00024 0.047539
Full house 28 29 18720 0.001441 0.040336
Flush 18 19 25540 0.001965 0.035377
Straight 10 11 19752 0.00152 0.0152
Three of a kind 6 7 211200 0.016253 0.097516
Two pair 4 5 427680 0.032912 0.131647
Pair: J-A 2 3 1031880 0.079407 0.158814
Pair: 7-10 0 1 1036416 0.079756 0
Loser -2 -1 171972 0.013234 -0.026468
Total       12994800 1 -0.029861



Double Down Stud - Bonus Deuces

Hand Double Pays (to one) Pays (for one) Combinations Probability Return
Natural royal flush 999 1000 0 0 0
Four deuces plus ace 799 800 0 0 0
Four deuces 399 400 0 0 0
Wild royal flush 79 80 0 0 0
Five aces 199 200 0 0 0
Five 3-5 79 80 0 0 0
Five 6-K 39 40 0 0 0
Straight flush 11 12 0 0 0
Four of a kind 5 6 0 0 0
Full house 4 5 0 0 0
Flush 3 4 0 0 0
Straight 2 3 74592 0.00574 0.01148
Three of a kind 1 2 547200 0.042109 0.042109
Two pair 0 1 316800 0.024379 0
Kings or better 0 1 681288 0.052428 0
Nothing     0 7823640 0.602059 -0.602059
Natural royal flush 1998 1999 20 0.000002 0.003075
Four deuces plus ace 1598 1599 20 0.000002 0.002459
Four deuces 798 799 220 0.000017 0.01351
Wild royal flush 158 159 2400 0.000185 0.029181
Five aces 398 399 260 0.00002 0.007963
Five 3-5 158 159 780 0.00006 0.009484
Five 6-K 78 79 2080 0.00016 0.012485
Straight flush 22 23 10340 0.000796 0.017505
Four of a kind 10 11 157760 0.01214 0.121402
Full house 8 9 63360 0.004876 0.039006
Flush 6 7 72360 0.005568 0.03341
Straight 4 5 236568 0.018205 0.072819
Three of a kind 2 3 1228200 0.094515 0.189029
Two pair 0 1 158400 0.012189 0
Kings or better 0 1 1343352 0.103376 0
Nothing -2 -1 275160 0.021175 -0.042349
Total       12994800 1 -0.039488



Here are the hands the player should raise on under the most liberal with the 2.10% house advantage.


Michael Shackleford, ASA


  1. 玩家押注⼀筆起始的賭注。
  2. 荷官發給每位玩家各⼀張朝上的牌、還有四張community cards公牌, 四張公牌有三張朝上、⼀張朝下。每局的牌都是由重新洗牌過的單副牌組 發出來的。
  3. 每位玩家可以選擇double加倍賭注或是保持原注。
  4. 荷官翻開蓋住的那張公牌。
  5. 贏注的牌⾯按照⽀付賠率表來⽀付。
    • Any pat hand of a pair of 6's or greater
    • Four to a flush, straight flush, or royal flush
    • Four to any outside straight
    • Unsuited JQKA (zero house edge)